Tbilisi Residential Real Estate - April 2024

Submitted by manager@gt.ge on Wed, 05/29/2024 - 13:12

Number of transactions

In Apr-24, the number of sold apartments in Tbilisi stood at 3,220 units, up 24.7% y/y and up 7.7% m/m. Strong annual growth is explained by last year’s low base effect. 


In Apr-24, prices increased monthly for new projects (both, primary and secondary markets). 

Market size

In Apr-24, the total market value of apartments sold in Tbilisi stood at US$ 247.9mn, up by 33.2% y/y, due to low base in Apr-23. 


In Apr-24, price for renting an average apartment (50-60 m2) in Tbilisi remained flat m/m (US$ 9.9 per m2). 

Construction permits

In 4M24, 75 new permits were issued for residential projects, with the total living area of 560,645 m2 (-8.1% y/y). 
