May 31st, 2018 - Cbonds, one of the leading news agencies for financial data analysis and processing, for the third time awarded Galt & Taggart as the Best Investment bank in Georgia – 2018.
In this year Galt & Taggart has been named as the Best Investment Bank in Georgia for the 5th time. The criteria for selection included: offering high quality, full investment and corporate financial services to clients, competitive fees and fast execution of local and global shares and Eurobonds transactions, as well as high quality performance of transactions on almost all major stock exchanges worldwide.
"I am proud that awards received by Galt & Taggart from international financial institutions once again prove the company's achievements and emphasizes its leading role in the investment banking sector. This achievement is the accomplishment of our entire team and I would like to say a special thanks to them. Similar recognitions make us even more responsible to be on the leading positions in the development of capital markets and investment banking", commented Otar Sharikadze, Managing Director of Galt & Taggart.
Press Release
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